Find the right capitals for the countries (move the cards)!
England | London |
Germany | Berlin |
Italy | Rome |
Spain | Madrid |
Algeria | Algiers |
Argentina | Buenos Aires |
Australia | Canberra |
Brazil | Brasilia |
Cameroon | Yaoundé |
Chile | Santiago |
Cote d’Ivoire | Yamoussoukro |
Denmark | Copenhagen |
France | Paris |
Ghana | Accra |
Greece | Athens |
Honduras | Tegucigalpa |
Find the right capitals for the countries (move the cards)!
Japan | Tokyo |
Mexiko | Mexiko City |
Netherlands | Amsterdam |
New Zealand | Wellington |
Nigeria | Abuja |
North Korea | Pyongyang |
Paraguay | Asuncion |
Portugal | Lizbon |
Serbia | Belgrade |
Slovakia | Bratislava |
Slovenia | Ljubljana |
South Africa | Johannesburg |
South Korea | Seoul |
Switzerland | Bern |
Uruguay | Montevideo |
USA | Washington D.C. |
Estimate the distance to Johannesburg (in kilometres)!
Canberra | 10807 |
Santiago | 9188 |
Berlin | 8876 |
Tokyo | 13555 |
Wellington | 11773 |
Accra | 4670 |
Seoul | 12498 |
Madrid | 8108 |
Washington | 13060 |
Bratislava | 8347 |