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MyWiki Translations Reports

Things outside major categories

Between February and June 2010 I prepared lessons for the 5th and 6th form at a lyceum (Alsterring-Gymnasium). The subject "bilingual English" for these classes had no definition and there was no material available. In other words, everything was left to my phantasy. Some of the matarial and tests may be interesting enough for others to exercise. There are also some films and presentation that others may want to watch. If you like follow the link to my teaching experience.

Only in May 2009 I found the time to do something that does not fit the major categories. I started to make videos on how to use CAT (Computer Assisted Translation) software. The clips were taken during the work with the programs and, therefore are a bit long. Since no voice was recorded, they are, however pretty small in size (700-2000kB).
I created the videos with the demo version of Instant Demo. I hope that the banner at the bottom of the films is not disturbing.

Currently there are videos on the programs Omega T and MemoQ.

The following clips are available on OmegaT:

  1. Make new project and load correct file in OmegaT; 6:47
  2. Translating with memory in OmegaT, some files have already been translated; 5:41
  3. Create a glossary for OmegaT; 5:25
  4. See a (not so) talented translator at work, fuzzy matches, use of the glossary and spell check; 8:20
  5. Final corrections and creation of translated file(s); 6:48
The videos on how to work with MemoQ are:

1. Creating a project in MemoQ
2. Entering terms and matches in MemoQ
3. How to create a translated document in MemoQ

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