1982: Statements alleging torture in Turkey
The report of Amnesty International was published on 25 May 1982 (AI Index: EUR 44/10/82). Only information on deaths in custody is presented. You also can download the complete report as two pdf-files (each 1.5MB) as part 1 and part 2.

Hasan Kılıç
The letter of his brother İbrahim Kılıç dated 16 February 1091 is presented in English translation on pages 5-7 of the report. Some details are:
- On 22 December 1980 our village was raided. My brother Hasan surrendered. 200 metres away from the house the laid him with his hands tied over a rock and beat him severely. They continued in a mill. The miller later stated that Hasan could not stand on his feet. The beatings continued until 11-12 am... They took my parents and my brother Musa to the regiment in Tunceli and tortured them. My parents heard the moans of Hasan. His moans were heard until 27 December. Having lost consciousness he was taken to Elazığ Military Hospital.
- My parents were released on 30 December without their testimony being taken. They were told that Hasan died because of penumonia. We buried him on 1 January 1981. On 7 January 1981 I testified to the command of martial law on the circumstances of death. Reportedly witnesses were heard in February 1981, but I do not know what happened. In addition, 15-20 days before my brother's death the teacher Süleyman Ölmez was detained in Yeşilkaya village of Tunceli province. He allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself from a radiator.
According to the list of Amnesty International of 1989 the case of Hasan Kılıç is among the cases confirmed to be the result of torture.
- You can download the pages with the letter of the brother as pdf-file (166kB)
Ataman İnce
The father Zeki İnce wrote to Amnesty International on 25 December 1981. The pages 36-38 have the details:
- Having heard that my son Ataman (born 1956) had died under torture in İstanbul my wife and I went there from Ankara on 9 November 1981. At the political police (first department) of Istanbul Police HQ I was told that nobody under that name had been detained. Even with a lawyer I could not get more information. The lawyer spent one day in front of the prosecutor's office. Only the next day military prosecutor Süleyman Takkeci told the lawyer that nobody by that name had died. Finally we went to the morgue on 13 November and were told that on 28 October 1981 someone by that name had been brought there from Haydarpaşa Numune Hospital. He had been buried on 12 November in Fatih.
- His wife had been detained on 22 October 1981 and released on 29 November 1981. When she saw her husband at Soğanlı Police Station he was in no state to talk or stand. A night watchman and a cleaning lady saw my son on that state. On 23 October 1981 he and his wife were taken to Istanbul Police HQ. My son presumably died on 25 October 1981, but they took him to hospital to make it look lie he died there. Among the witnesses Alişan Dil already testified to Istanbul Military Court. Others in Metris Military Prison can testify as well.
Ataman İnce is listed under cases that cases that Amnesty International was informed that torturers have been convicted.
- You can download the pages with the letter of the father as pdf-file (186kB)
Nurettin Yedigöl
The report of Amnesty International also included a translation of an undated petition of İsmail Yedigöl, father of Nurettin Yedigöl to the National Security Council (this and other details being presented on pages 38-42 of the report).
- I have not heard of my son Nurettin Yedigöl since 10 April 1981. Some prisoners in Metris Prison state that Nurettin was at Istanbul Police HQ on 12 April 1981. I want the corpse of my son who is said to have died as a result of torture.
Statement of Harun Kartal:
- I was detained on 29 March 1981. Some time around 9-10 April they brought Nurettin Yedigöl. All through the night they took him for interrogation every half hour and brought him back unconscious. In the fourth day his state deteriorated considerably. Later the branch director Tayyar Seven came and yelled at the officer not to leave traces on people to be killed. The next day they took Nurettin away and never brought him back again. Later I was threatened "talk or you will end like Nurettin".
Statement of Aslan Şener Yıldırım:
- I was detained on 3 April 1981. I was at all time kept handcuffed to a chain on the wall in a room across the so-called interrogation room. In the evening of 9 or 10 April they brought Nurettin Yedigöl and a few others. They took them for torture one by one, insisting mostly on Nurettin. They brought him back unconscious aft 2 or 2.5 hours. On the third or fourth day his health deteriorated terribly. He no longer gained consciousness.
In the list of Amnesty International the death of Nurettin Yedigöl is listed among the cases for which the Turkish authorities did not supply any information.
- You can download the pages on Nurettin Yedigöl as pdf-file (286kB)
Cemil Kırbayır
İsmail Kırbayır, the father of Cemil Kırbayır sent an undated petition to the National Security Council and other places alleging that his son was killed and burned in order to hide the traces. On page 42-44 of the report details of this letter can be found.
- On 8 October 1980 my son Cemil Kırbayır was taken from Kars detention centre to the Institute of Education. H was killed there under torture and his corpse was burned to hide the traces. What I've learned is:
- A watchman told me what happened and said "I shall disclose it, even if it costs my life". He is currently under detention, possibly relating to what he wanted to tell.
- Four people outside prison including the lawyers Abdurrahman Alaca and Muharrem Özbadak know that my son was killed, but I am not sure that they will testify. Another three men that went to the torture rooms with my son are in prison. They could be identified if the Sate want to punish those who committed the crime.
- The persons who killed my son are:
- Mehmet Aytan (1st branch, political police)
- Selçuk Akyıldız
- Mehmet Ali Akın
- Taner, nickname "Japon", intelligence organization MİT
- They say my son escaped. Knowing my son he would have sent a message that he is all right. Had his corpse not been burnt responsible persons as in the case of Oruç Korkmaz would have been looked for.
The information in the list of Amnesty International states that Cemil KIRBAYIR died in Kars on 9 October 1980. His case was submitted on 16 February 1982. The reply of 14 June 1982 stated: investigation in progress. Being submitted again on 10 June 1988 the reply of 2 March 1989 stated: he escaped as suspected militant of the illegal organization Acilciler-Devrimci Yol (Urgent Activists-Revolutionary Path) on 8 October 1980 and is still wanted.
- You can download the complete text of Mr. Kırbayır's petition as pdf-file (133kB)