Protected pages

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This page lists existing pages that are currently protected. For a list of titles that are protected from creation, see Protected titles.

Protected pages
Timestamp Page Expires Protecting user Protection parameters Reason
Unknown Start 2,126 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Deutsche Seiten 15,775 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Kurdenfrage 303 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Die Geschichte des Konfliktes 11,738 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Aktuelle Lage - 1996 4,184 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Kosten des Krieges 13,401 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Menschenrechtsbewegung der Türkei 19,885 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Türkçe sayfalar 6,178 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown History of the Kurdish Uprising 12,297 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown The PKK 19,665 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Uluslararası barış hareketinin tarihi ve deneyimleri 18,530 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown İşkence azaldı mı? 25,598 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Militärhilfe der BRD 7,629 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Anhörung vor dem Bundestag 12,702 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown B-Ob8ungen:About 275 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown B-Ob8ungen:General disclaimer 173 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Reformpakete 5,696 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Verbotene Verhörmethoden 3,194 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Verkürzung der Polizeihaft 7,429 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Änderungen am Anti-Terror Gesetz 7,905 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Extra-judicial Executions 48,917 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Prosecution of Religious Activists 31,627 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Devrimci Yol 18,740 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Devrimci Sol 46,426 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Amaç ve Araçlar 8,160 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Amaç ve Araçlar - Ana Bölüm 46,525 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected
Unknown Amaç ve Araçlar - Sonuç Kısmı 5,249 bytes infinite Unknown user fully protected